Blizzard Announced World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic

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Illidan Stormrage WoW Classic Burning Crusade

Today is a great day for all of us Blizzard fans, a magical day as the traditional BlizzCon gaming convention has started. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 edition was postponed to 2021 and to run the entire event online free of charge.

They prepared some surprises for the players, but they were unfortunately revealed prematurely. Someone got hold of a press presentation, which should have been presented only after the official start of BlizzConlin.

Anyway, The Blizzard decided to get the World of Warcraft Classis upgraded to the first expansion from 2007, The Burning Crusade.

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We all remember when we first stepped into Outlands and clashed with the evil of the Burning Legion and raided the Black Temple, where Illidan was waiting for us with his famous phrase, “You are not prepared!”.

Players will be able to download their heroes from the classic World of Warcraft and continue their adventures. To play, we will only need an active World of Warcraft subscription.

If you are new to World of Warcraft, you should first see the difference between WoW retail and the Classic version.

WoW Classic Burning Crusade

There were also rumors about the upcoming first content update for the latest Shadowlands expansion. The update will be called Chains of Domination and will bring, among other things, a new PvP season and a new raid Sanctum of Domination with 10 bosses. All the changes can be viewed here.

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